Our Darkest Days Are Ahead of Us Joe Biden

our darkest days
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Our Darkest Days Are Ahead of Us Joe Biden

That’s quite a statement Joe, “Our Darkest Days Are Ahead of Us” with covid.

Well, look, I’m not someone who is oblivious to problems. I don’t pretend that life is all flowers and sunshine.

But, this is a statement of no hope. It’s as if they want us to be resigned to a long difficult slog.

Unfortunately it seems it’s a slog that they are imposing on us and conveniently using the specter of covid to justify.

It’s so clear when looking at this situation historically.

“Give us 15 days. Ok that’s not working let’s go 15 more. No not yet. Ok everyone this time we need 45 days. Look we need to close everything. Next, put on your mask. Then put on your mask everywhere. Sleep with it. Finally, never take it of or go anywhere outside your home.”

It is all a bit ridiculous.

Never mind the fact that there are no scientific studies being done regarding the “safety measures.”

It’s all off the cuff supposition.

“Stay 6 ft away. No, 21 feet with a mask and behind a piece of plexiglass that air can travel above and below but it sure does make people feel safe.”

Nonsense piled upon nonsense.

If everything was a serious as they make it out to be, we’d all be dead by now I figure.

Personally, I’m going on 10 months being asymptomatic by their estimation. At least that’s the way I’m expected to behave. I should walk around at all times as if I have contracted the most contagious and deadly virus in the history of the world.


After all we have many therapeutics that have been in use for months. And now we have multiple vaccines rolling out.

It’s as if none of these things are happening. The continue to want us to react like when NY was seeing 2000 deaths a day alone.

How on earth do they want us to believe things are just as bad now as they were then? Now that 2000 deaths a day is spread over 50 states.

For things to be as equally as bad as the beginning there would have to be 100,000 deaths per day.

I am reaching the end of my rope with patience for this malarky.

But, anyway, thanks for the pep talk Joe.